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About the Project
The Africa Integrity Indicators (AII) is a research project initiated by Global Integrity in 2012, in collaboration with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. AII focuses on African governance in practice, examining how policies are implemented to support governments, citizens, and civil society and assessing key social, economic, political, and anti-corruption mechanisms at the national level across all 54 countries of the African continent. From 2023 onward, data will be collected and published by the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP).
Our Methodology
The Africa Integrity Indicators are scored by in-country researchers following an evidence-based investigation methodology. The resultant data points are then reviewed blindly by a panel of peer reviewers, drawing on the expertise of a mix of in-country experts as well as outside experts.
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Our Contributors
We work with in-country researchers, as well as regional and subject matter experts, to bring you innovative, evidence-based research. See the full list of our contributors at the link below.